
12 more days until my mummy and daddy are coming :)
I miss you!
Can't wait!
 March 24 330pm and I'll be the happiest person on earth!


I know I'm lazy....

I've been pretty lazy in posting some news on here tha last week but I'll catch up!

Alright so on sunday we went to Warrenton,VA for the Dreaming of Spring Meet. The weather was horrible and Betti and I realized: being in the car at 730 in the morning, watching this heavy rain and listen to the most depressing music ever isn't a good start into a meet day. But whatever! After some really exhausting warm-up (actually I was thinking about going back to bed instead o swimming the meet :D) it got better.
Started out with the 50 Breaststroke which was - for the fact that I haven't practic breaststroke in a WHILE- actually okay. Followed by 200 Backstroke which really ROCKED! I never knew I could swim a 200 with almost the same splits on the 100s. The meet finished with a 100IM followed 5mins later by a 50 Backstroke.

50 Breaststroke         37.04 (qualified for Spring Nationals in Arizona)
200 Backstroke      2:31.49 (Meet Record & Qualified for AZ)
100 IM                   1:13.59
50 Backstroke           32.02 (Meet Record ; already qualified for AZ)

On Monday morning I went back to my French class after I kind of messed up the test last week. It was already and the teacher let us retake the test on Wednesday. (I got it back with a 88% on the first and a 94% on the second one) So French is actually going well. I sometimes mess it up with my Italian words that are slowly coming back to my mind and switch between languages when I try to built connections in grammar and sentence structure. So any way. After class I decided to swim a little bit at MC because I didn't really warm down on sunday and the fact that I planned on attending WARD practice that night made me feel like I have to loosen my muscles. So I swam a nice and easy 55mins at MC.

10*200 swim, kick, pull
4*50 built on 1:00
4*100 kick with fins on 1:30
300 warm-down

In the evening I swam with Marcs group again. I was sore but enjoyed it.

500 swim
200 kick
500 pull

Main set:
3* ( 6*75 on 1:25
       6*25 kick/swim sprint
       200 pull recovery          )
   1. IM Fly/Bk/Br
   2. Free
   3. IM Bk/Br/Free

On Tuesday my car had to go to the VW shop to get fixed. The shop is close to Bethesda and the boys' school but unfortunately far away from the house. So I packed my bag, put the bike in the car and decided to spend the day somewhere around Bethesda. Unfortunately it was freezing that morning and after I biked 30mins over to Anjas place I was done with biking! (To be honest I still haven't picked up my bike yet :D) I gave her company while she had to run some errands and went to MC with her. After that she dropped me off at the library in Bethesda. I went to Chipotle to get myself some lunch. I have to agree that sitting there eating lunch by myself wasn't my favorite part of the day especially when you get one of these tables close to the door and everyone who comes in looks on your plate. After that I went to B&N to study some French which didn't work out that well because I met ebecca (from my cluster) there and we prefered talking instead of studying. Around 230pm I started walking over to WES to pick up Colin. It's a nice 1.5 mile walk but the fact that I had this heavy backpack didn't make the walk that much enjoyable.
After picking up Colin, then the car and later Lawrence we ust had a normal afternoon at home again and I went to AU practice that night.
I shared a lane with Andy who made me survive the main set of
10*200 IM/ Back on 3:30.

Yesterday I retook my French test and the result of 94% compared to 88% in the first test made my day. After class I just went back and had a pretty lazy day in all and caught up on some sleep.

Today I had a cluster meeting at Krispy Kreme. They just have the best donuts ever! After I ate 3 this morning I felt so bad so I decided to get a banana for lunch to catch up on fruits ;o)
Now I have the difficult question: WHAT DO I COOK FOR DINNER? Any suggestions?


Keep it up!

After sundays bootcamp I was hoping on an easy and recovering practice on monday with Eileens group but I ended up swimming with Dirk and Andy again.
It was pretty good especially because my arms were still pretty sore from sunday.

300 swim
150 kick
300 pull
150 kick
8*50 on :50 (25 drill+ 25swim)

Main Set:
2* ( 5* 100 swim on 1:30
       4* 50 kick on 1:15 desc. 1-4
       8* 25 Coaches' choice           )
300 pull

Express Flip-turn clinic

Overall a pretty nice workout!

On Tuesday I skipped practice and had a pretty lazy day in general. ;o) So nothing much to tell about tuesday.

On wednesday  I couldn't go to my French class because Colin was sick the day before and I had to stay home with him. So we spend the whole day at home relaxing again.
After another lazy day I went to GP with my own personal cheerleader Jordan (Thank you again for coming :-*)

The main workout was a
16*100 set on 1:40, odd ones stroke, even ones backstroke for me (freestyle for everyone else)

I did ok. Swam 100 IMs between 1:20 and 1:25, 100 Breaststroke on 1:28 and the 8*100 Backstroke between 1:18 and 1:24.

After the workout Jordan and I went out for dinner in Bethesda. We had a really good talk and after not seeing her for weeks it was nice to just hang out.

Yesterday morning I met Jordan again. In the evening I went to AU for a last practice before my meet on sunday.
Jason wanted me to bring fins to push Jose and the others on the kick set.

We started with a warm-up of
400 swim
300 kick
200 IM.
6*50 on 1:00 desc 1-3,4-6

The main set started with
5*100 kick on 1:45 (I kicked with fins and finished each of them under 1:12)
After that we had
16*50 odd kick (did stroke) and even stroke all out ; finished the fast ones on bacstroke between :34 and :36
32*25 kick, every 4th all out ( 1-3 drill, 4 all out and left after #16)

Today I had my second French test about Chapter 3&4. After I forgot to study yesterday I was freaking out a little bit this morning. I tried to memorize the words during breakfast but it somehow didn't work out. Overall the test was ok eventhough it could have been better! I still have to write my essay and hand it in on monday.
Topic: Imagine you use a dating platform on the internet. Write a profile about what kind of person you are, what you like to wear and if you play any sports or instruments.

Now I'm looking forward to another active weekend. Tomorrow I'll be recovering and in the afternoon I'm invited for a German(late) lunch/ (early) dinner. Then I'm gonna pick up Betty from practice and we'll have a sleepover again.
On sunday we'll be swimming at 'Dreaming of Spring' in Warrenton, VA.
I signed up for
50 and 200 Backstroke,
50 and 100 Breaststroke and
Wish me luck! ;o)



930am-1130am Swimming
Warm Up:
400swim, 400kick, 400pull
Main Set:
2x(4x50 on :50, 8x25kick on :40)
2x(8x100 on 1:35, 4x50 on :60 descend 1-4)
100 EZ
2x(4x75 kick/drill/swim, 8x25 scull/drill)
400 pull EZ
1230pm Biking
10 Miles in 1:04.23


First time biking :)

Today was a pretty awesome day. It was sunny and not to cold so I decided to get the bike out. After fixing the bike (honestly, noone has used it in the last 7 months) I biked for about an hour.
Why I started biking again? Well I'm gonna have to keep one of my friends company for his 10mile run tomorrow and I just wanted to make sure I'm still able to ride a bike ... but I'M GONNA DIE!

So tomorrow I'm gonna join the masters group at GP for a two hour workout and then go for a 10mile bike ride. Keep your fingers crossed that I'm not gonna die somewhere in between because tomorrow night Elizabeth is going to take us out for dinner :)


MC without power :(

Why did I get up at 545am again? I don't know!
The boys were brought to school by mummy and daddy today... so I went back downstairs and got ready for my class.... I was wondering why I got a parking spot right in front of the door.... while I was walking across the parking lot the teacher just coming out o the building told me that MC has lost power (I somehow missed the reason because it's just raining a little bit and not even too windy.... but whatever) and there would be no class until 10am but I could sit in the building it would be open. Lucky me that my class is over at 10. So I hopped in the car to drive back. Unfortunately are there approx. a couple 1000 other people who were trying to get into DC at the same time. So after driving 3 miles with 10mph on the belt way I decided to take another route. This worked out much better luckily. I stopped by at the grocery store to buy dinner supplies (it's gonna be fish with mashed potatoes and rucola salad :) ). And don't you know these annoying giant employees who help you (or not) eventhough you don't want them to? So anyway I went to the self-checkout as usual but this person packed my stuff into 5 or 6 (!) of these plastic bags.... so I unpacked it again and put it into 1(!) paper bag. I think he was pissed.... but why do I need seperate bags for everything? Right, I DON'T!

Memo about American Culture: Wasting things (e.g plastic bags) is an important part of the culture.

Back to more important things in life: SWIMMING
After I went to practice 5-7 times per week for the last 4 weeks (yes I'm proud of myself for being motivated enough to go swimming every night instead of enjoying my self-cooked dinner and my bed ;-) ) I'm gonna take a break today. This weeks practice was overall pretty awesome. We started on monday (which was supposed to be my easy recovering day) with a nice but hard practice with another masters group. Normally they swim their own thing and we do the same but monday the coaches (Marc and Aileen) thought we could swim together. So I ended up with the following main workout:

3* (150 , 8*25)
1. Set
150 comfortable pace on 2:30
8*25 drill

2. Set
100 comfortable pace on 1:45
50 fast on 1:15

8*25 drill
3. Set
1*50 recovering on 1:15
2*50 all out on 1:15

Believe me, when Marc said all out he ment ALL OUT! But it was good... I finished with a 31 and a 30 on the last two 50s.

On Tuesday my arms were a little bit sore which I realized when I was pushing the shoping cart through the store.

On Wednesday and yesterday we did some racing off the block.

2* ( 4* 150 (50 race, 100 easy)
        2* 250 (100 race, 150 easy)
        1* 400 (200 race, 200 easy) )

500 easy

1000 warm-up
500 kick (every 3rd 50s fast)
8*50 of the block all out without any recovering in between

Dears :)

Yesterday I just looked out the window and guess what I saw? A group of 8 dears just walking across our backyard :) I love these animals... they're so cute and shy but sometimes they're pretty bold to stand in the middle of teh street and not move at all!
I guess my daddy's a little bit jealous again so here you go daddy: