
MC without power :(

Why did I get up at 545am again? I don't know!
The boys were brought to school by mummy and daddy today... so I went back downstairs and got ready for my class.... I was wondering why I got a parking spot right in front of the door.... while I was walking across the parking lot the teacher just coming out o the building told me that MC has lost power (I somehow missed the reason because it's just raining a little bit and not even too windy.... but whatever) and there would be no class until 10am but I could sit in the building it would be open. Lucky me that my class is over at 10. So I hopped in the car to drive back. Unfortunately are there approx. a couple 1000 other people who were trying to get into DC at the same time. So after driving 3 miles with 10mph on the belt way I decided to take another route. This worked out much better luckily. I stopped by at the grocery store to buy dinner supplies (it's gonna be fish with mashed potatoes and rucola salad :) ). And don't you know these annoying giant employees who help you (or not) eventhough you don't want them to? So anyway I went to the self-checkout as usual but this person packed my stuff into 5 or 6 (!) of these plastic bags.... so I unpacked it again and put it into 1(!) paper bag. I think he was pissed.... but why do I need seperate bags for everything? Right, I DON'T!

Memo about American Culture: Wasting things (e.g plastic bags) is an important part of the culture.

Back to more important things in life: SWIMMING
After I went to practice 5-7 times per week for the last 4 weeks (yes I'm proud of myself for being motivated enough to go swimming every night instead of enjoying my self-cooked dinner and my bed ;-) ) I'm gonna take a break today. This weeks practice was overall pretty awesome. We started on monday (which was supposed to be my easy recovering day) with a nice but hard practice with another masters group. Normally they swim their own thing and we do the same but monday the coaches (Marc and Aileen) thought we could swim together. So I ended up with the following main workout:

3* (150 , 8*25)
1. Set
150 comfortable pace on 2:30
8*25 drill

2. Set
100 comfortable pace on 1:45
50 fast on 1:15

8*25 drill
3. Set
1*50 recovering on 1:15
2*50 all out on 1:15

Believe me, when Marc said all out he ment ALL OUT! But it was good... I finished with a 31 and a 30 on the last two 50s.

On Tuesday my arms were a little bit sore which I realized when I was pushing the shoping cart through the store.

On Wednesday and yesterday we did some racing off the block.

2* ( 4* 150 (50 race, 100 easy)
        2* 250 (100 race, 150 easy)
        1* 400 (200 race, 200 easy) )

500 easy

1000 warm-up
500 kick (every 3rd 50s fast)
8*50 of the block all out without any recovering in between

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