
Catch Up I 2011: My birthday :)

This year I actually had 3 birthdays. :)

Because the majority of my friends in early January consisted of more Australians than Germans or any others we (or better they) decided to have an early Australian birthday party. Over New Years we got to know the Australians Danton and Michael, two good friends of my best friend Jordan. They were travelling across the US during their winter (or Australien summer!?) break. We first met them in NY on our way to Montrèal and we all came back together to DC. So on wednesday we celebrated my birthday with Australian Feairy Bread, Sushi and Australia Flags.  BIRTHDAY #1

On Friday (my actual birthday) I got the most awesome breakfast from my family! The table was decorated, the kids well behaved and it was the nicest start in the day in the last couple of months. Later on I got the tipical American cake with more icing and actual cake :)
In the evening Iwent out with my favorite party friend Lisa. We went to Ultrabar and had a very good time. As we were about to leave one of the security guys came up to talk to us. That's the day where we got to know Terry. Since then we don't spend a dollar when we go out to Ultrabar. We get free admission, put our jackets behind the DJs desk (who's name is Mark btw) and get a drink from the bar tender who studies at AU. BIRTHDAY #2

On Sunday night my family took me out for dinner. We went to this very cozy Italian restaurant in Bethesda and me and Elizabeth got Salmon with mango and veggies and it was super delicious! BIRTHDAY #3

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